Earplugs and hearing protectors
Prevention first!
Prevention is the key to your hearing health. We offer a range of hearing protectors tailored to your needs.
Sleeping earplugs
- Sleep on both ears with custom-made plugs for optimal comfort.
- Available in different colors and natural shades.
Protectors for musicians
Whether you are an artist or a music lover, protect your ears with our various protectors with attenuating filters.
- Available in different colors and natural shades.
- 9 dB attenuation
- 15 dB attenuation
- 25 dB attenuation
Protectors against noise and for hunters
- Hearing protectors protect your ears from exposure to noise. It is possible to add a filter to facilitate conversation in noise.
- Available in different colors and natural shades.
Swimming earplugs
- Bouchons qui préviennent l’entrée de l’eau dans le conduit auditif lors de la baignade ou de la douche. Ces embouts protecteurs sont conseillés pour les adeptes de la natation ou à la suite d’une perforation tympanique par exemple.
- Available in different colors and natural shades.